In hidden enclaves around the world, a clandestine group of criminals known only as THE FEARSOME FOUR have organized an international illegal robot trade. Meanwhile, a small task force within INTERPOL has been organized to identify THE FEARSOME FOUR and bring them to justice. SPECS, the brains, and RIP the brawn, embark together on a most perilous mission through the streets of Chicago, the remote mountains of Russia, hidden temples in China and more.
-Take your enemies head on in levels with Rip, the combat master from the land down under!.
-Sneak through guarded areas with Specs, and infiltrate them with his remote control drone!
-Travel the world in 16 beautiful levels ranging from dense urban cities, snowy mountains, dark cave, hidden temples, secret laboratories and more!
-Take on THE FEARSOME FOUR in 4 exciting boss battles!
-Secrets to unlock, including a secret 17th level and the game's true ending!
-Enjoy a completely original soundtrack composed by Jack Krol!
-Dualshock / Xinput Gamepad compatibility for a more comfortable gaming experience!